Eisenberg 1930s Ads
First I want to thank all the wonderful men and women that have helped me to find all these amazing ads. I'm so grateful to you all for thinking of me whenever you found something "Eisenberg" or who went looking to see if they had things when I could point them in a specific direction.
These ads won't be in exactly the proper order as I have an evolution in mind and not all of them can be properly sourced - many were acquired second or third hand and the original magazine has been lost. Some have the right year, and others I'll have to guess at. Some ads appear in more than one publication and in different months, but if you have a source and year for an unnamed or unspecific year, please help me out.
There are well over a hundred Eisenberg Specific ads in my collection of thousands of vintage ephemera pieces and my collection is still growing. If you have an ad that you don't see here, please feel free to let me know. I'd love to create the most complete archive of Eisenberg advertising possible.
Many of these ads are shown in the book, some were Sharon's (sadly back in the day I gave her many of them - who knew I'd want to do this) but I've been able to acquire my own copies of almost all of them. I have a wish list out for the ones of hers I've not been able to get yet, and I should have them all soon.
Finding new ones isn't easy - Eisenberg kept no records of their pieces, so certainly they didn't keep a log of their advertising. But I will keep looking.
Additionally, scanning these ads in has been a harrowing process; they are all over-sized and while I popped for a program that will stitch the pieces together, the results have sometimes been hilariously mutated. Even a successful one takes significant time and at least four scans so the process if far slower than I had hoped.
Rare Irma Kirby Originals Ad
For American Women by Irma Kirby
The growing influence of this designer is the most important style news of the day. Her massive understanding of American life, American climate and American Society is of course her inspiration and advantage. Tastes of American women change so rapidly that continental designer off the ground cannot follow them. Originality, skill and the finest of materials all combine to place her models in the leading style stores of the nation. Many EISENBERG originals will be presented in Vogue. We will be glad to tell you where you can find them....write us.
Spontaneous approval by American women of fashion season on season has made these autographed originals the feature in important stores througout the nation.
EISENBERG & SONS Makers 309 West Jackson Chicago
Description - American Designed
In this model a proper regard for practicality and real comfort go hand in hand with simple elegance. A medium weight coat of AMERA wool over a dashing print dress. A perfect dress without the coat, too---colorful crepe of PURE SILK!...
Rare Irma Kirby Originals Ad
For American Women by Irma Kirby
Again America's most experienced designer leads. Months ago she sensed that American women would soon be ready to again dress in the grand manner---at least after sundown. Now she sees the trend---a return to soft delicate laces and embroideries, accompanying stiffened and crisp sheers---like frozen mist. Flaring transparent billows and flattering bows...all in a springtime flutter. Eisenberg practicality demanded a material that would retail its crispness, even after cleaning. Now a simple and beautiful gown---sheer loveliness almost entirely hand made. Eisenberg advertisies many originals in Vogue---wrtie for the name of the store where they can seen.
Spontaneous approval by American women of fashion season on season has made these autographed originals the feature in important stores througout the nation.
EISENBERG & SONS Makers 309 West Jackson Chicago
Description - American Designed
In this model a navy blue slip clings closely to your figure, surrounded by a stiffened billow of sheer Mousseline de Soie, accented by white lace and embroidery containing a trace of cardinal; hand rolled and meticulously fashioned of PURE Silk!...
Irma Kirby's "Autographed Original" Label
Irma loved to use contrasting colors, or a dash of color enhancement, and she loved to play with necklines/collars and sleeves.
Rare Irma Kirby Ad
For American Women by Irma Kirby
Irma Kirby, eminent designer of fashionable clothes for American women, is not a transplantation. She belongs to America, studying and living in the very heart of the nation. Her viewpoint is entirely motivated by a deep rooted understanding of our society and all the arts. She is never influenced by Europe--originality is the very essence of her work and her objective is a smart, comfortable and flattering effect. Every model is hand cut, hand fashioned, had draped, hand trimmed and finished under the personal supervision of this practical designer. It's a pleasure to own the signed EISENBERG originals--we'll tell you where they can be seen.
Spontaneous approval by American women of fashion season on season has made these autographed originals the feature in important stores througout the nation.
EISENBERG & SONS Makers 309 West Jackson Chicago
Description - American Designed
This afternoon suit of heavy black sheer comprises a complete coat with fine white pique revers over a short sleeved straight hanging dress with pique tie and large self covered buttons. All pique is detachable and the coat, dress and slip are of PURE Silk!...
Rare Irma Kirby Originals Ad
Irma Kirby
--- decidedly new in color,
harmony, line and feeling.
This one is from a brilliant new collection including afternoon and street models now being presented by the nation's leading merchants.
If you follow the sun south, or stay north with the snow -- these fresh and sparkling dresses enable you to face any situation -- smartly. Colorful under your winter coat in the north -- glamorous in the southern sun.
Truly first editions in every respect.
Note: Afternoon and street models? Wow...just imagine if I find an ad for one of her evening pieces.
The Suwanee Ensembles Line
rare two page ad
Suwanee Ensembles was a line that introduced designs of more wash and wear fabrics. Irma Kirby's designs were renowned across America, but were not known for their practicality. American women were interested in buying well-designed and impeccably styled clothing that was more durable than Eisenberg's silk crepes and rayons. Interestingly this line appears around Irma's "absence" from Eisenberg & Sons. I'll explain that elsewhere.
TWO GIRLS GO AROUND - around the clock in Suwanee Ensembles. Happy summer to them! With places to go --- and things to do --- the way they look means, oh! so much! Any evening --- any afternoon --- any morning --- here are the cotton dresses they'll need. All cleanable and color-fast. Just wear and wear and tub and tub --- to the end of a perfect summer. But now, the important thing is the skillful handling of the dressmaker features identical with the best hand-needled Eisenberg dresses! Yes --- you'll find them in America's finer store --- or Address Eisenberg and Sons, Dressmakers, 847 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago
Note this is the second West Jackson Boulevard Address - the one that sees them become a full design house.
Crocuses through the snow . . . a lovely Winter melts into memory. Exhilarating weeks ahead . . . if you're ready here is bold, braided beauty---for your first dress of Spring. Each of purest silk, hand-needled and molded with custom dressmaker care---dresses you wear and wear---because you like to. Behind them a rich heritage of Eisenberg individuality-springing from the minds and hands of contented, skilled workers. These Eisenberg individuals and many others presented today in America's fine stores. Just where?---Address Eisenberg and Sons, Dressmakers, 847 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago.
skill of Eisenberg dressmaking in these brilliant midwinter prints. Dark with bright for Northern afternoons, light with bright for Southern days or nights. Their exotic coloring matched in the jewelled clips.
EISENBERG & SONS, Dressmakers
847 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago
NOTE - this clothing ad shows each dress decorated with a jeweled clip but still lists them as ONLY Dressmakers.
Eisenberg & Sons Original
For Football Saturdays, this suit of a special Forstmann tweed, exclusive with Eisenberg. For afternoon dancing, this dress of sheer black wool with a carved aluminum belt. Identified by the Eisenberg label and shown in fine stores throughout the country. Write us for the name of the store in your city.
NOTE - This is the first appearance I've seen of an "accessory" but sadly for me, I've never seen an Eisenberg Original hat.
VILLEFIR...dramatic wool with the importance of fur, interpreted in two Eisenberg originals...the jacket costume with shirred satin blouse, and a reefer coat topping a bright wool dress. In one important store only in each leading city.
Write us for the name of the store nearest you.
Eisenberg & Sons Original Label with Logo
847 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago
NOTE - The mention of Eisenberg's single fine store per region marketing.
Again showing jeweled clips at the neck and an elaborate jeweled suit button.
Sadly despite all these lovely hats shown in the 1930s, there is no indication that Eisenberg ever sold Millinery.